Prospectus in the form of the Collective Investment Contract as mentioned above. The planned changes to the KIK and Prospectus above are related to:
1. Adjusting the provisions in the KIK and Prospectus with the Financial Services Authority policy;
2. Addition to the provision for electronic Participation Unit Transaction Confirmation Letter and Monthly Report submission;
3. Adjustment of KIK and Prospectus of Capital Money Market Fund and Capital Fixed Income Mutual Funds with
the following rules:
a) POJK Number: 1 / POJK.07 / 2014 dated January 16, 2014, concerning Alternative Institutions for Dispute Resolution in the Financial Services Sector;
b) POJK Number: 39 / POJK.04 / 2014 dated 30 December 2014 concerning Mutual Fund Selling Agent;
c) POJK Number: 23 / POJK.04 / 2016 dated June 13, 2016, concerning Mutual Funds in the Form of Collective Investment Contracts ("POJK 23/2016");
d) POJK Number: 28 / POJK.04 / 2016 dated 29 July 2016 concerning the Integrated Investment Management System ("POJK 28/2016");
e) SEOJK Number: 1 / SEOJK.04 / 2015 dated January 21, 2015, concerning Procedures for Resolving Errors in Calculating Net Investment Fund Value;
4. Changes to the Minimum Minimum Initial Purchase Unit for the Capital Money Market Fund Mutual Fund and the Capital Fixed Income Fund Mutual Fund
which was originally Rp. 1,000,000 (one million Rupiah) for each Participation Unit Holder to be Rp. 500,000 (five hundred thousand)
Rupiah) for each Participation Unit Holder;
5. Adjustment of KIK and Prospectus of the Capital Equity Fund and the Capital Balanced Fund Mutual Fund with the following regulations:
a) POJK Number: 1 / POJK.07 / 2014 dated January 16, 2014, concerning Alternative Institutions for Dispute Resolution in the Financial Services Sector;
b) POJK Number: 23 / POJK.04 / 2016 dated June 13, 2016, concerning Mutual Funds in the Form of Collective Investment Contracts ("POJK 23/2016");
c) POJK Number: 28 / POJK.04 / 2016 dated 29 July 2016 concerning the Integrated Investment Management System ("POJK 28/2016");
d) SEOJK Number: 1 / SEOJK.04 / 2015 dated January 21, 2015, concerning Procedures for Resolving Errors in Calculating Net Investment Fund Value;
6. Changes in fees for Investment Managers from the Capital Equity Fund and the Capital Balanced Fund are initially at a maximum of 2%
(two percent) per year to a maximum of 3% (three percent) per year.
The planned changes to the KIK and Prospectus above have been notified by the Investment Manager to OJK on the same date as this announcement.
Thus this announcement was made to the Mutual Fund Unit Holders MANAGED BY PT CAPITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT as well as other interested parties.
Jakarta, April 3, 2017
Investment Manager
PT Capital Asset Management
Download: /pic/ Announcement-Capital-Asset-KIK-&-Prospektus-Reksadana-224.pdf